About us

To determine if psychotherapy is right for you, please take a few moments to answer the following questions. Your answers might help you focus your attention on the areas of your life that cause you the most pain and what kind of changes you might need to make in order to feel better:

Do you:

  • Often neglect your physical appearance and then berate yourself for how you look?
  • Neglect to pay your bills on time?
  • Avoid confrontation at all costs?
  • Have a long list of traits you don't like about your self and a short list of assets?
  • Have difficulty accepting compliments?
  • Have trouble setting boundaries for yourself and others?
  • Hold onto relationships for too long because you are afraid of being alone?
  • Feel isolated and alone?
  • Feel disappointed in your life?
  • Believe that you just aren't good enough?
  • Neglect healthy practices like eating right, exercising, or getting enough sleep?

If you answered yest o 3 or more of these questions, you probably aren't feeling as good about yourself as you could. You may be bothered by bouts of depression or anxiety that surface when you to need to be feeling confident instead. In therapy, I will help you learn how to develop a stronger sense of self, help you make healthier choices, and build your self esteem in new and powerful ways.

  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Couples therapy
  • Health Coaching

I am trained as an Imago Singles Therapist, based on the work of Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. In addition, I have received training in psychodynamic psychotherapy and in group therapy. I offer therapeutic intervention in a supportive, nurturing, and confidential setting. I view therapy as a collaborative process where you and I will work together to set priorities, explore the connection between childhood experiences and trauma and present day conflicts,  and to make meaningful changes in the choices you make and in the way you interpret experience so that you life feels more satisfying and fulfilling.

If you are feeling sad, want to overcome the sadness, anxiety and disappointment you have been feeling for a long time, or just want to feel better about yourself, consider making an appointment for an initial consultation.